There will be a work party this Wednesday September 28th at 10 a.m. where the trail crosses County Road 17. All are welcome to come on out and lend a hand. Here are a few pictures of the trail improvements at the south end of Pokegama Lake.
Driftskippers Trail Work Day October 22nd at 9 a.m.
Fall trail clean up work day will be Saturday October 22nd. Meet at the Itasca Driftskippers Clubhouse at 9 a.m. Bring your ATV and chainsaw for a fun filled day out on the trails getting them ready for the season.
Driftskippers Fall highway clean-up/burger bash
The September 20th monthly meeting will be our first meeting for the season. We will also be doing our fall highway clean-up/burger bash that day. If you wish to help out, meet the club house at 4pm on the 20th. Burgers and brats will be served at 5:30 along with a pot-luck with the regular […]