Well….. this fluffy snow is kinda like winning a $2 pull tab. It’s better than zero ! I heard there were a lot of sleds out yesterday packing the Driftskipper trails and today we are out rolling the trails and packing with the Big Reds. It’s nice to get out and stretch their legs a […]
This was just too cool to pull off! What a perfect fit for our club!
From a Facebook marketplace post on Wednesday night to being in our clubhouse storage shed Sunday morning was so cool. Equipped with wheels and skis, these are going to be so awesome at the annual special needs children’s Christmas party.!!! The Christmas party is set for December 12th!
Fall Highway Clean-up, Member Meeting & Picnic Tuesday, Sept. 17th
The September 17th monthly meeting will be our first meeting for the upcoming snowmobiling season. We will also be doing our fall highway clean-up & picnic that day. Meet at the club house at 4 p.m. on the 17th. After the roadway cleanup, we’ll have Pulled Pork Sandwiches from S&S Meats beginning at 5:30 along […]