There will be a Youth Snowmobile Safety Course on Saturday, January 8th at the Driftskippers Clubhouse. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. A DNR conservation officer will cover Minnesota snowmobile laws at 9 a.m.. Field Day testing begins at 9:30 a.m.. The Driftskippers will supply a snowmobile. All youth are invited. You will need to […]
Driftskippers Fundraiser Tickets Nearly Sold Out
There’s still time to buy tickets, but hurry – just 68 left until we sell out! The Itasca Driftskippers Annual Fundraiser at Timber Lake Lodge Sat. Jan. 15th, raises funds to help maintain Grand Rapids area snowmobile trails. Three lucky people will each walk away with a 2022 Polaris Sportsman 4 Wheeler. There are tons […]
Driftskippers Trail Report – 1/4/2022
All the Driftskipper Trails are groomed south of Pokegama Lake except starting just south of the east shelter on the Driftskipper Trail to Hwy 200 due to beavers flooding that area. Sleds can still run the trail we just don’t have enough ice thickness there for the Big Reds. Thank you for your support. Ride […]