03-20-2022. With the season winding down the Lake Trail crew of Jeff ,Alex Dick and Todd G. pulled the markers on the lake yesterday.
Driftskippers Trail Report – 2022-03-15
3-15-2022. Bill Lantz was out early this morning grooming down to HWY 200 and working his way back to the club house before the temps get to high. Ken S. and Jr. R. groomed on the east side early morning yesterday before the temps got to high to groom. Thanks Bill L. for the pictures. […]
Driftskippers Trail Report – 2022-03-09
3-9-2022. Todd G. grooming on the Driftskipper Trail on his way to and from Hwy 200 early this evening. Looks like the weather is going to get warmer next week and will soften up the trail. We might and might not be able to groom. Thank you for your support. Ride Safe and Ride to […]