Here is the latest and greatest! The trail highlighted in yellow along with most of the trail going north from Pokegama lake to Highway 2 has been cleared and brushed. There is still lots that needs to be done before we can groom. Thank you to everyone that has been out working hard to make this a great season!
Driftskippers Trail Report 12-28-22
Sunday December 18 Driftskippers Trail Report
12/18/2022. The start of the day. Club members head out to clear and pack trail. Check out the rest of the pictures. It will give you a small idea of all the work it’s going to take to open up the trails. If you go out on the trails grab your chain saw and spend some time cutting and clearing the trail. Thank you for your support. Ride Safe and Ride to the Right. Doug Lord, aka Groomer Dude.
Trail Work
12/17/2022. Jared Hebeisen sent me these picture s as he and other club members spent the day clearing windfalls and brush laying over the trail. The late afternoon picture was taken at the east shelter.